
Who is the Best LOL Player? An Argument for Faker

Jordan Knight - JVK27Nov 1, 20164 min readNo Comments

It's a claim many fans are readily willing to proclaim. Due to the intricacies and variety of playing styles League of Legends offers, determining who the best LOL player is typically not an easy question to answer.

Spend some time on twitter and you'll be inundated with MORE than enough opinions. It's becoming, and has become, even clearer (in light of the recent Worlds results) who's worthy to claim the title:

Safe to say Faker is the best player ever to download League Of Legends. #Worlds

— Ghafoor (@GhafoorDerulo) October 30, 2016

Faker can do and say whatever he wants without your permission. He is the best player in League of Legends and has won 3 world championships

— Bino (@shecallsmekevin) October 30, 2016

SKT 1 The BestTeam league of legends and The Best player Faker @sktelecom_t1 @SKTelecomFaker ??????

— ZanooKer55 (@7Chatchon) October 30, 2016


— christopher (@AK4LI) October 30, 2016

Just to think that if League of Legends is an eSport for a long time Faker might be the best player in all of our lifetimes

— Berk (@vBerk_) October 30, 2016

Faker is the best player that league of legends will ever see

— dalton (@surgicalpidgeon) October 22, 2016

One name stands out.


Who is Faker League of Legends? (hint: the best LOL player)

Undoubtedly the best League of Legends player, of course. Ok, that's still up for debate, but it'll be hard to disagree after looking at "God"'s (what his American fans call him), or what he's known in Korea, "the Unkillable Demon King"'s pedigree.

Fakers early life.

At the time of this writing, Faker is only 20 years old, yet he's already competed and won on some of the largest stages in the industry.

Faker's real name is Lee Sang-hyeok (eSports players often have an in-game name that is different than their real name). He was born and raised in South Korea. He wasn't initially much of a gamer when he was a kid until his parents bought him a PC when he was 8 years old. He eventually got into Warcraft III which he has attributed as his gateway to League of Legends.

In 2011 he discovered LOL and became very good at the game, rapidly climbing Korean ranks, until he eventually reached number 1. He even dropped out of high school (not encouraged) to join his current team SK Telecom T1.

What makes Faker so good.

Here are some of Faker's accomplishments to date that qualify him as the best LOL player:

  • 2013 MVP award
  • 2013-14 best player award
  • 2015 MVP
  • Season 3 world champion
  • Season 5 world champion
  • Season 6 world champion

What champions does Faker play?

Part of what makes Faker the best lol player are his champion picks. He typically plays Orianna, LeBlanc, Ahri, Fizz, and Zed. His dominance can be tied to his deep champion pool (considered by some to be the largest). In other words, the number of champions a player has mastered.

The League of Legends organization feels the same:

"Faker is unquestionably the best player in League of Legends today. But not only is he the best player today, he is the best player to have ever played the game -- it's possible we'll never see a player with his level of pure talent."

What is Faker's salary?

While Faker's salary is not public knowledge, there is some speculation (rest assured, the following numbers are fit for his best LOL player title). Reports back in 2014 claim Faker declined contracts from China offering close to 1 million dollars. If these figures are accurate it can be speculated that Faker has made more than $1,000,000 over the course of his gaming career.

What team is faker on?

Faker has earned his best LOL player title by playing on South Korean's telecommunications company SK Telecom. Faker has remained on the team during the team's entire LOL history. SK Telecom is considered the best team of all time.

Will Faker retire?

We'll let Faker answer this one:

"For a while there it felt like my intuition was off, and I didn’t know if I could recover. But right now I feel like I can play forever. At the start of the year, I’d have fears that I was falling from the top and that maybe people were right when they said other players were eclipsing me.

Not anymore."

Jordan Knight

Jordan Knight is the vice president of eSports at Stimpack. He loves competitive gaming and helping competitors reach their peak performance. He remains committed to the community and has had success both in-game and outside of gaming.

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